中国和平国际旅游有限责任公司创立于1986年,是经国家旅游局批准可同时经营国际入境旅游、国内旅游和中国公民出国旅游业务的国际旅行社,中国旅行社协会的常务理事单位及北京市旅行社协会的副会长单位,全国国际旅行社百强社之一,北京地区国际旅行社十强之一,国家特许经营大陆居民赴台游业务的旅行社。 2002年和平国旅完成股份制改造,依托北京外企服务集团、北京工美集团、北京首钢实业公司三家股东的资源优势,公司形成了独特的经营模式、营销网络及发展战略。 2000年5月由我公司倡导并担任理事长单位的中国和平国际旅游联盟组建,现已有分布在各省市的30余家国际、国内旅行社加盟,联盟企业统一品牌形象、统一服务质量、统一产品开发、统一市场销售。2011年公司设立渠道运营中心,目前为止,在北京地区已经发展了近60家门市部。 公司下设公民旅游中心、入境旅游中心、商务会奖中心、国内旅游中心、渠道运营中心、签证中心、旅游车队等业务部门。大连、海南等地设有分公司。可以为您提供出境旅游、入境旅游、国内旅游、商务旅游、奖励旅游以及各种特色旅游方面的服务。 26年风雨路,26年同舟行,我们秉承“客户是我们永远的朋友,品质是我们不断的追求”的理念,26年来为境内外的近千家客户,几百万的游客提供了完美卓越的服务,并赢得广泛的赞誉。“家在旅途,和平相伴”,在未来的岁月里,和平人永远是您旅途中的贴心伙伴。 中国和平国旅将继续沿着专业化、品牌化、网络化的战略目标发展前行。 China Peace International Tourism Co., Ltd. Known as China Peace Travel, founded in 1986, is approved by China National Tourism Administration as an internationaltravel agency. The company provides service of international inbound tourism, domestic tourism and overseas travels for Chinese citizen. China Peace Travel is anexecutive director of China Association of Travel Agents, Vice President of Beijing Association of Travel Agents, one of the top 100national international travel services, one of the top ten Beijing international travel services. The company has franchise of Taiwan tourism for mainland residents. China Peace Travel completed joint stock reform in 2002.Depending on the resource advantages of its shareholders,FESCO, Beijing Gongmei Group, and Shougang Group, the company formed uniquebusiness model, marketing network,and development strategies. In May 2000, China Peace International Tourism Alliance was initiated by China Peace Travel as the chairman member.In 2011, the company established ChannelsOperation Center,so far, has developed nearly 60 shops in Beijing. China Peace Travel has a set of business departments,such as Chinese citizen tourism center, international inbound tourism center, business and meeting managementcenter,domestic tourism center, channel operation center, visa center,and travel fleet. The company has set up branch offices indifferent cities of Dalian, Hainan. In 26 years, China Peace Travel walks through thick and thin, and adheres that "Client is our permanent friends,Quality is our incessant pursuance". China PeaceTravel has served thousands of customers, and won widespread praise. In the future, the "Home on the road, accompanied by peace" is China Peace Travel'scommitment to be the intimate partner to customers. China Peace Travel will persist in the course of specialization, branding, and strategic marketing.
- 主要经营产品:
- 国际入境旅游 ; 国内旅游 ; 公民出境旅游 ; 商务旅游 ; 会议接待 ; 机票代理 ; 酒店预订
- 经营范围:
- 入境旅游业务、国内旅游业务、出境旅游业务;旅游客运业务;代理旅客平安险;会议服务;承办展览展示;专业技术培训;国际航空客运销售代理;代售火车票;摄影服务;信息咨询(不含中介);设计、制作广告。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动。)
- 营业执照号码:
- 91110000101724163K
- 法人代表:
- 李明
- 成立时间:
- 1986-08-16
- 职员人数:
- 50人
- 注册资本:
- 900 万元 (万元)